10 Proven Health Benefits of Organic Castor Oil


Castor oil has long been used for its medicinal properties. Ancient Egyptians used it to treat eye infections and induce labor during pregnancy. The organic castor oil is made by cold-pressing the castor seeds, rich in ricinoleic acid – a type of fatty acid with antioxidant, pain-relieving, and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Even in Ayurveda, there have been many instances where organic castor oil works wonders because of its medicinal and therapeutic properties. Castor oil can be taken orally or applied directly to the skin, depending on its intended use. While some take it orally as a laxative for constipation, others apply it directly for its moisturizing benefits. 

So, if you have skin, hair, or digestive issues, adding a tablespoon of castor oil to your diet will greatly help. That’s not all! Castor oil has many other uses and health benefits that not many of us know yet. So, without wasting much time, let’s learn some of the wondrous benefits of organic castor oil.  

Castor Oil Nutrition Facts

Despite being one of the most beneficial natural oils, Castor has a very unpleasant taste, which makes it difficult to consume. However, not much but just a tablespoon of organic castor oil has the following nutrients: 

  • Calories: 120
  • Protein: 0 grams
  • Fat: 14 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 0 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 0 grams

Castor oil also has some: 

  • Omega-6 fatty acids
  • Omega-9 fatty acids
  • Vitamin E

Top 10 Benefits of Organic Castor Oil for Skin, Hair and Gut Health


While the FDA has approved Castor oil as safe for consumption and digestion, research on its additional benefits for human health is underway. However, according to Ayurveda, its potential health benefits include: 

1. Improves Immune Function

Organic Castor oil is renowned for its potential to boost the immune system, mainly due to its supportive role in the lymphatic system’s function. This system, a network of tiny tubes throughout the body, is responsible for clearing out surplus fluids, proteins, and cellular debris.

The oil is believed to enhance lymphatic drainage, circulation, thymus gland function, and overall immune response. Historically, castor oil and the castor plant have been used in various medicinal traditions to treat a range of conditions, including:

  • Digestive issues
  • Joint inflammation
  • Lower back pain
  • Bowel irregularities
  • Muscle soreness
  • Infections caused by parasites
  • Persistent headaches
  • Discomfort in the gallbladder
  • Menstrual symptoms
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia

Research, including a particular small-scale, double-blind study noted in the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, has indicated that using castor oil packs on the abdomen can lead to a marked increase in lymphocyte production. These cells are key immune system components combating pathogens like bacteria and toxins.

Moreover, the lymphatic system’s influence extends to the cardiovascular and digestive systems, so castor oil is also used to promote heart health and alleviate constipation.

2. Boosts Blood Circulation

Castor oil enhances blood circulation by supporting the lymphatic system, which is closely linked to cardiovascular health. When the lymphatic system is compromised, it can lead to fluid retention and circulatory problems. The lymphatic and cardiovascular systems work together to maintain a balance of bodily fluids.

Emerging research suggests that the lymphatic system plays a significant role in the well-being of vital organs such as the heart, lungs, and brain. Therefore, the positive impact of castor oil on the lymphatic system may contribute to improved circulation and organ health, particularly heart health.

3. Moisturizes Skin and Boosts Wound Healing


Organic castor oil is a natural remedy without artificial additives packed with beneficial fatty acids for the skin. It’s an excellent moisturizer for parched or troubled skin, creating a barrier that locks in moisture. Thanks to its antimicrobial and antibacterial effects, its healing properties extend to aiding in the recovery of wounds and pressure sores. When combined with other natural oils like almond, olive, or coconut oil, it enhances skin health. 

Research has demonstrated its efficacy in combating various bacteria, notably the harmful Staphylococcus aureus, which causes significant skin infections.

4. Can Help Induce Labor

Organic castor oil has long been used as a natural method to induce labor. It’s traditionally consumed by women who are due to deliver to accelerate the onset of contractions. This oil is widely recognized for its labor-inducing properties outside of clinical environments.

Research indicates that castor oil’s effectiveness in inducing labor stems from ricinoleic acid, which activates specific receptors in the uterus that can trigger contractions. Studies involving animals suggest that the oil’s active ingredients can bind to muscle-inducing molecules in both the intestines and the uterus.

Findings from a study conducted in 2018 suggest that castor oil may increase the likelihood of labor starting within 24 hours, making it a viable option for natural labor induction.

Moreover, the study observed that women at full term who used castor oil were less likely to require a Caesarean section. However, one potential drawback of castor oil, which may explain its limited use in hospital settings, is that it can cause nausea in some women.

5. Helps in Moisturizing Skin

Much like coconut oil, Castor oil is a natural remedy known for its skin-enhancing properties. It’s particularly effective as a moisturizer and can soothe inflamed skin and reduce blemishes.

Castor oil can be a powerful ally for those battling persistent acne. It targets the root cause by combating bacterial growth that leads to clogged pores, all while moisturizing and calming the skin.

Its ability to deeply penetrate makes it effective against acne-causing bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, offering a natural solution for clearer skin.

6. Helps Relieve Constipation

Castor oil serves as a gentle, natural laxative when ingested. It’s known to ease constipation, lessen the effort needed during bowel movements, and promote a more thorough clearance.

The main component, ricinoleic acid, is released in the intestines, aiding digestion, nutrient uptake, and internal cleansing. It stimulates the intestinal muscles, facilitating the passage of waste.

A study in Turkey observed the impact of castor oil on seniors with constipation. Monitored over a period before, during, and after treatment with castor oil, a significant majority who had suffered from constipation for a decade or more saw a reduction in their symptoms, particularly the difficulty experienced during bowel movements.

7. Lowers Symptoms of Arthritis

Castor oil is commonly used for its pain-relieving effects on arthritis-related discomfort, swelling, and inflammation. Its anti-inflammatory qualities make it a suitable massage oil for sore joints and muscles. Studies have highlighted that ricinoleic acid, which is abundant in castor oil, provides significant pain relief and reduces inflammation when applied to the skin.

Clinical research comparing castor oil capsules with standard arthritis medication found that taking castor oil (0.9 milliliters) thrice daily over a month had comparable benefits to diclofenac sodium, a typical arthritis drug. Thus, castor oil can be an effective alternative for managing knee osteoarthritis symptoms.

8. Helps in Hair Growth


Castor oil is celebrated for its ability to nurture hair, much like the benefits derived from coconut oil. It’s known to promote faster-growing, fuller, more resilient, and glossier hair.

It’s also adept at smoothing out tangles and has been used to address hair felting, where hair mats into a dense, stone-like formation.

The oil’s potential to enhance blood flow to the scalp could be the secret behind its ability to foster quicker hair growth. That’s why it’s not uncommon to find people using it on their eyebrows and lashes as well.

Research points to ricinoleic acid, a key ingredient in castor oil, as a possible solution for hair loss. It may help regulate the levels of prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) in men, a factor known to influence hair growth.

9. May Help Keep Dentures Clean

Maintaining the cleanliness of dentures is crucial for oral hygiene and overall health, as it prevents plaque buildup. Denture wearers are at a higher risk for fungal infections like Candida, which can lead to painful and inflamed conditions such as denture stomatitis. 

Castor oil, known for its antibacterial and antifungal traits, could benefit denture care. A study has indicated that a brief soak in a diluted castor oil solution can successfully eliminate harmful bacteria and fungi from dentures.

10. Anti-Ageing Effects

Castor oil’s rich antioxidant profile makes it a natural ally against signs of aging, helping to diminish wrinkles and dark spots. This is mainly due to its abundance of omega-3 fatty acids.

Side Effects of Castor Oil 

Generally safe when used correctly, castor oil may not be suitable for everyone, including those who are pregnant or have certain medical conditions like bowel obstruction. 

As a laxative, it might cause side effects such as cramps, nausea, or dizziness, and it could interact with some medications. It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment, particularly if you’re on prescription drugs.


Organic castor oil offers a range of health benefits for health and beauty. Its rich fatty acid content boosts the immune system and enhances circulation, contributing to a healthier, more vibrant body. 

The oil’s hydrating properties soothe dry skin, expedite wound healing, and even offer potential anti-aging effects. For those with arthritis, castor oil can naturally relieve joint pain and inflammation.

Its role as a laxative is well-regarded, providing gentle relief from constipation. Moreover, its antibacterial and antifungal abilities extend to oral health, potentially keeping dentures clean and reducing infection risks. 

However, it’s important to understand potential side effects and consult healthcare professionals before use to ensure safe and informed application.


What is Organic Castor Oil Good for?

Organic castor oil is renowned for its health benefits, including boosting immunity, promoting circulation, moisturizing skin, and enhancing hair health. It’s also used for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

What is 100% Castor Oil Used for?


Pure castor oil is used for medicinal purposes, such as relieving constipation and treating arthritis. It’s also a natural remedy for skin conditions like acne, eczema, and more. It’s also applied to hair to promote growth and luster.

Does Castor Oil have Omega-3?

Castor oil doesn’t contain omega-3 fatty acids. Instead, it’s rich in ricinoleic acid, a type of monounsaturated fatty acid.

Does Castor Oil have any Medical Benefits?

Yes, castor oil has various medical benefits, including serving as a laxative, reducing arthritis symptoms, and aiding in skin healing and hair growth due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Is Castor Oil Safe for the Liver?

Castor oil is generally safe for the liver when used in moderation. However, excessive use can be harmful, and individuals with liver conditions should consult a healthcare provider before use.

Is Castor Oil Safe for Daily Use?

While castor oil can be safe for daily use in small amounts, it’s best to use it sparingly to avoid potential side effects like skin irritation or digestive issues.

What are the Benefits of Castor Oil in Belly Button?

Applying castor oil to the belly button is believed to moisturize skin, relieve menstrual pain, and improve digestion because it is absorbed through the navel area. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited.

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