Is Powdered Milk Good for You? A Myth Buster

Powdered Milk

How irritating does it feel when you’re already late for breakfast and find out there’s no fresh milk in the refrigerator?  That’s a common situation every person can relate to. Probably, that’s the reason why powered milk sits on the top of every grocery list. Additionally, it is best for people who don’t have access to fresh milk. But here’s a question – Is powdered milk really good for you? 

The answer is definitely yes! Although powdered milk isn’t as healthy as fresh milk, it still contains essential nutrients to complete your daily intake of calcium, proteins, and vitamins. Additionally, they are as delicious as fresh dairy milk and can be used as a pure substitute for regular milk. 

However, there’s a common misconception about powdered milk being unhealthy. While some studies have suggested switching from powdered milk to fresh one, it’s just a half-truth. So, in this blog, we will debunk some common myths about powdered milk and find out whether it is healthy. 

What is Powdered Milk?

Powdered milk, also known as milk powder or dry milk, is a milk that undergoes pasteurization and evaporation to dry into a powdered form. Apart from dairy powdered milk, there are different options available on the market, including soy, almond and even oats. 

Powdered milk is an essential pantry staple in many American households. It is also used in infant formula and chocolates. Additionally, local bakeries use it as an active ingredient and as a milk alternative to prevent batter thinning. 

The best part about powdered milk is that it is much more convenient to transport and has a much longer shelf life, which makes it a popular and essential kitchen staple for areas with limited access to fresh milk. 

Is There Any Difference Between Fresh Milk and Powdered Milk?

Yes, there is a difference between fresh milk and powdered milk. Fresh milk is liquid and comes directly from cows. It is kept in the fridge to stay fresh. Powdered milk, also known as milk powder or dry milk, is made by removing the water from fresh milk. This makes it dry and easy to store without a fridge. 

To use powdered milk, you need to add water to it. Fresh milk can spoil quickly if not kept cold, but powdered milk lasts a long time. Both have similar nutrients and can be used in cooking and baking.

What is the Nutritional Value of Powdered Milk?

Powdered milk has many nutrients that are good for your body. Here are the nutrient measurements for 100 grams of powdered milk:

  • Calories: 362 kcal
  • Protein: 26.7 grams
  • Fat: 26.1 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 38.6 grams
  • Calcium: 1200 mg
  • Vitamin D: 400 IU (if fortified)
  • Vitamin A: 500 IU (if fortified)
  • Iron: 0.5 mg (if fortified)
  • Magnesium: 50 mg

How Does Powdered Milk Taste? 

Powdered milk has a different taste compared to fresh milk. When you first mix it with water, it can taste a bit different. Some people say it has a slightly sweet and cooked flavor. It is not as creamy as fresh milk.

The taste of powdered milk can depend on the brand and how you mix it. If you mix it well with water, it can taste more like fresh milk. Some people like to use cold water to mix it because it tastes better that way.

Powdered milk can taste different when used in cooking or baking. When you add it to recipes, it usually blends well with other ingredients. This makes it hard to notice the difference in taste.

Some people do not like the taste of powdered milk on its own, but it can be very useful. It is a good option for people who need milk but do not have access to fresh milk. You can store it for a long time, and it does not need a fridge.

How Long Does Powdered Milk Last?

Powdered milk lasts longer than fresh milk because it is dry. When stored properly, it can last for a long time. Here is what you need to know:

Unopened Powdered Milk

  • If you keep the powdered milk in its original sealed package, it can last up to 1-2 years.
  • Make sure to store it in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight and moisture.

Opened Powdered Milk

  • Once you open the package, it is best to use it within 6 months.
  • After opening, keep the powder in an airtight container to keep it fresh.
  • Store it in a cool, dry place.

Tips for Powdered Milk Storage

  • Always try to use a clean, dry spoon to scoop out the powdered milk to prevent contamination.
  • Do not store the powdered milk in the fridge, as moisture can make it spoil.
  • If the powdered milk has a strange smell or color, it is best not to use it.
  • Before using, always check the expiry date on the pack.
  • If the powdered milk is expired or near to its expiration date, it is better to throw it away.

Does Powdered Milk Go Bad? 

Yes, powdered milk can go bad, but it has a long shelf life. When stored correctly, powdered milk can last for a long time. The powdered milk shelf life depends on whether the package is opened or not.

If you keep powdered milk in its original, unopened package, it can last up to 1-2 years. Make sure to store it in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight and moisture. This helps keep the powdered milk fresh for a longer time.

Once you open the package, the powdered milk shelf life is shorter. It is best to use it within 6 months. After opening, keep the powdered milk in an airtight container. This helps keep it fresh. Store it in a cool, dry place. Do not keep it in the fridge because moisture can make it spoil.

Check for a strange smell or color to tell if powdered milk has gone bad. It is best not to use it if it smells or looks different. Always try to use a clean, dry spoon to scoop out the powdered milk to prevent contamination.

How is Powdered Milk Made?

Powdered milk is made by drying out fresh milk to powder. The process starts with fresh milk that comes from cows. First, the milk undergoes a pasteurized process to kill any harmful bacteria. This makes sure the milk is safe to drink.

After pasteurization, the milk goes through a process called evaporation. In this step, the milk is heated to remove most of the water. The milk becomes thick, like syrup. This helps to make the drying process easier.

Next, the thickened milk is sprayed into a chamber with hot air. This is called spray drying. The remaining water evaporates quickly as the milk droplets fall through the hot air. The milk turns into a fine powder. This powder is collected and cooled down.

After drying, the powdered milk is packaged in airtight containers. This helps keep it fresh for a long time. You can mix it with water to make liquid milk or use it in cooking and baking.

Is There A Better Substitute for Powdered Milk?

Powdered milk is very useful, but sometimes people look for other options. There are a few good substitutes for powdered milk. Here are some simple options:

  • If you have access to fresh milk, you can use it instead of powdered milk. It is natural and has a good taste. You can use fresh milk in cooking, baking, and drinking.
  • Condensed milk is also a good substitute. It is sweetened and thick. People use it mostly in desserts and sweets. It can be a tasty option if you do not mind the extra sugar.
  • For those who cannot have dairy, non-dairy milk is a good choice. You can use soy, almond, rice, or oat milk. These are plant-based and do not have dairy. They work well in many recipes.


Above, we have tried to answer every possible doubt about powdered milk and questions related to its shelf life and storage. We debunked some common myths and misconceptions regarding the use of powdered milk over regular ones. 

So, next time someone asks you to choose between powdered milk or regular milk, you better know your choice. No matter what you choose between regular or powdered milk, GroceryRoute delivers both to your home. 

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